
Ring Order Forms:


Ring Order 1 June 2018 - 31 May 2019 (1010 downloads)


Ring Sizes (2741 downloads)




1.1                All exhibits shall be ringed with the official sealed rings of SPSA or any other recognised or official organisation.

1.2                No other type of ring or leg band of whatever nature will be allowed at any show and any bird wearing such a ring will be disqualified.

1.3                An imported bird wearing a ring of the country of origin shall not be discriminated against, provided the ring is sealed.

1.4                Rings will be issued from time to time during the year.

1.5                Ring sizes applicable to all birds will be updated and/or revised by the directors and the details of the sizes will be available on the Website of SPSA.

1.6                Because of public participation and to promote show poultry in general, approved sealed rings are not compulsory at SPSA Open Shows.

1.7                SPSA Associated Clubs may charge additional entry fees at Open Shows for non-ringed birds.A levy up to 100% of entry fees will be payable for every non-ringed bird at all SPSA Shows.

1.8                No removable type of ring, cable tie or leg band of whatever nature will be allowed and must be removed before birds are penned. 

1.9                Any bird wearing a ring larger than the size specified may be disqualified or a levy up to 100% of entry fees will be payable for such bird at all SPSA Shows.

1.10            Judges should first consult with the show manager before disqualifying an exhibit, bearing the wrong size of ring.