Type: Poultry Mite
Description: Getting rid of red mite is no easy task and it can be very frustrating. The poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae, is a tiny blood sucking ecto-parasite of all birds, not just poultry. Red mites feed on the bird between one and two hours each night, only in the dark, retreating during the day into cracks and crevices in the hen house, where they lay their eggs and are therefore notoriously difficult to eradicate from the housing. This can make them hard to spot and treat before the infestation becomes large. They live in cracks and crevices in your chicken house, coming out at night to get a meal from chickens and can cause significant anaemia and death. Red Mite is reddish in colour when engorged with blood and has sucking mouth parts and are spiders with eight legs in the adult stage and look like crabs.
Infestation: A red mite infestation can be instigated by visiting sparrows or pigeons or other birds or by the introduction of infected stock or second hand housing. They can be transferred from bird to bird although they mainly live in housing. Mites are not species specific and will feed from any type of bird.
Detection: Look for the signs of red mite close to where birds roost at night and near to nest boxes where broody hens may sit for long periods of time. Once they have had a feed, they appear as clumps of red that turn to red blood when squashed. Since they feed at night, they are difficult to spot during the daytime.
Prevention: Paint the woodwork with carbolineum and spray the house with a paraffin-soap emulsion or effective chemical, repeating the process 3-4 times at intervals of no more than a week.
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Please use all chemical products with great care!

Day 1 |
Marek IB/ND Hitchner B1 |
Subcutaneous Spray |
Day 7 |
ND-IB-MG (Mycoplasma) (0.1ml) |
Subcutaneous |
Week 3 |
Gumboro Precise |
Water |
Week 4 |
IB H120 Gumboro Precise |
Water Water |
Week 6 |
ND la Sota |
Spray |
Week 7 |
ND-IB-MG (Mycoplasma) (0.1ml) |
Subcutaneous |
Week 8 |
Pox Deworm |
Wing Web Water |
Week 12 |
Eye Drop |
Week 14 |
IB/ND Hitchner B1 Deworm |
Spray Water |
Prevention is better than cure.
Monthly |
ND la Sota |
Spray |
Yearly January |
ND-IB-MG (Mycoplasma) (0.1ml) Deworm |
Subcutaneous Water |
Yearly June |
ND-IB-BD3-Reo |
Subcutaneous |
Yearly July |
Deworm |
Water |
Yearly August |
ND-IB-MG (Mycoplasma) (0.1ml) |
Subcutaneous |
Yearly September |
Pox Deworm (Detomax) (0.1ml) |
Wing Web Subcutaneous |
Yearly December |
Pox |
Wing Web |
Please note this is only a suggested program.
It is advisable to make use of a local veterinarian for advice.
Amended October 2012
A flock of breeders is one of the main components in the overall investment in the production of healthy show chickens. Effective production of healthy day-old chickens requires healthy egg production which can only be produced by a healthy parent stock.
The expression of the genetic potential of show poultry breeds can only be achieved when utmost care and caution is taken to guarantee not only a healthy growing and laying period, but also the build-up of immunity in the parent stock, enabling the desired amounts of antibodies against diseases such as IBD which can be divided in three different aspects:
The building up of immunity during the growing period, for protection of young birds against diseases that may attack earlier in life.
The building up of immunity just before onset of production, for protection of the birds during the laying period. This can guarantee the maximum expression of production potential of the female breeders. In addition, it protects the selected males and keeps them healthy, guaranteeing that their growth or production potential is passed on to the maximum number of eggs, and preventing them from being a focus of infection.
The building up of immunity just before onset of production and the show season, for transfer of maternal antibodies onto the progeny, protecting the birds against infectious challenges.
Type: Virus Infection
Prevention: Vaccination
Treatment: The total flock will be wiped out.
General Signs: Signs are difficult to detect depending on the type of virus, age of chickens, temperature and immunity of flock. Chickens are dull and quit, abnormal twisting of necks and general weakness occur
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.. or Fowl Paralysis
Type: Virus Infection
Prevention:Vaccinate chickens on day one with virus vaccine.
Treatment: None. It is a cancer of the nervous system.
General Signs:Symptoms are paralysis of the wings and legs with one leg stretched forward and the other backwards. Chickens lose weight till they die.
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Type: Virus Infection
Prevention:Vaccination. Also prevent the introduction of ILT and other diseases onto your premises. Avoid moving any birds onto or off your farm during an ILT outbreak. Do not visit other poultry farms, fairs, auctions, or exhibitions during an ILT outbreak.
Treatment: Some relief from signs is obtained by keeping the birds quiet, lowering the dust level, and using mild expectorants, being careful that they do not contaminate feed or water.
General Signs:Chickens suffering from a mild form of ILT usually have swollen; watery eyes (conjunctivitis), swollen sinuses, and a persistent watery or mucoid nasal discharge. These clinical signs are similar to other respiratory diseases of poultry. Chickens with a severe form of ILT exhibit labored, open-mouth breathing, frequent sneezing, and violent coughing, often accompanied by bloody mucus. These chickens will usually shake their heads to clear the mucus from their nose and mouth, resulting in bloodstained mucus on their feathers and on the walls of the chicken house or shed.
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Type: Virus Infection
Prevention:Prevent overcrowding. Vaccination.
Treatment: Antibiotics and adequate ventilation.
General Signs:Chickens gasp, cough, breath noisily and there will be discharge from the nose and eyes.
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Type: Virus Infection
Prevention: Vaccination. Affecting the age group between two to six weeks.
Treatment: None.
General Signs:Depression, loss of appetite, trembling unsteady gait, vent pecking.
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Type: Virus Infection
Prevention: Vaccination.Mosquitoes spread pox quickly.
Treatment: None.
General Signs:Presence of wart-like legions on the comb and wattles and a yellow caseous accumulation in the mouth and throat.
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Type: Bacterial Infection
Prevention:Because coccidiosis is so common, products have been developed that are routinely added to feed in order to control the condition.
Treatment: Treat with coccidiostats products
Signs of infection includes any of the following or a combination thereof:
- Thickening of the gut in the lower half of the small intestine, the rectum, cloacae and ceca.
- There may be a blood-tinged catarrhal exudates and short red streaks in the lower intestine and rectum.
- The lining of the small intestine may slough off.
- Cheese like cores may be found plugging the narrow portion of the ceca, but the rest of the ceca seem to be little affected aside from swelling.
- Thick mucus, which may be grayish, brownish or pinkish in colour.
- Some of the feces may show flecks of blood.
- Congestion, pinpoint hemorrhages and whitish patches in the upper third of the small intestine, with some spread into the lower portion of the small intestine, ceca and rectum.
- Round hemorrhagic spots and a severe catarrhal enteritis in the duodenum and upper half of the remainder of the small intestine.
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Type: Bacterial Disease
Prevention: Vaccination
Treatment: Antibiotics
General Signs: Swelling of the face, mucous discharge from the eyes and nose, sneezing, difficulty breathing and death.
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Type: Bacterial Disease
Prevention: Vaccination
Treatment: Antibiotics
General Signs: Coughing, nasal discharge, watery eyes and head shaking.
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