In order to properly judge each specimen off standard bred poultry entered in a poultry show the judge must handle each bird in the class. The exceptions are that any bird showing evidence of contagious disease (this should be removed from the showroom or the flock) or a definitely inferior specimen.
CATEGORIES: A group of breeds classified together, i.e. Large Hard Feathers, True Bantams, Eggs, Ducks, etc.
BREEDS: Within each section the birds are broken down into breeds, i.e. Australorp, Malay, Pekin, etc.
VARIETIES: Each breed is broken down into its variety i.e. Black, Partridge, White, Blue red, etc.
CLASSES: Each colour is broken into different classes i.e. Cock, Hen, Cockerel, Pullet, etc.
BV = Best In Variety
RV = Reserve Variety
BC = Breed Champion
RBC = Reserve Breed Champion
CW = Category Winner
BOS = Best Bird on Show
All judges judge to the standards laid down in the Breed Standards. In it each breed has a detailed description with points allocated for each feature required on the bird. 100 points are allocated to each breed of poultry, so in theory the Judge should just assess the bird for each feature laid down in the Breed Standards and allocate points for each feature, add up the points and the bird with the highest total out of 100 would be the winner.
A typical sample of a Scale of Points:
Symmetry and type Colour of plumage Comb, wattles, lobes, face, beak, legs and toes Condition Shape of head and beak Neck Eye, colour and shape of iris and pupil Breast Back and shoulders Abdomen Tail |
25 10 15 10 3 2 5 7 10 8 5 |
100 |
All showrooms are set up by classes. It’s important that the judge know the breed, the colour varieties and classes they belong in. In order for the judge to do his job the same class must be in the same area of the showroom. If a bird is not in the correct class it cannot be judged with that class.
First, second and third prizes should be awarded in each class. The minimum points obtained for each specific place according to the scale of points of each class should be as follows:
First prize: 90 points
Second prize: 80 points
Third prize: 70 points
The places will now be recorded on the Judges List.
Best in Variety (BV) & Reserve Variety (RV) is chosen from the whole class of each breed variety being shown. Remember at this stage the First in Variety winners could be an adult (Hen/Cock) or yearling (Cockerel/Stag/Pullet).
Best White Male, Best White Hen, Best White Cockerel, Best White Pullet) only one of them can be Best Variety in that particular colour & sex group.
Next the judge will mark the Breed Champion (BC) and Reserve Breed Champion (RBC) in that particular breed. Only one Old English, one Brahma, one Silkie, one Plymouth Rock, one Favorelle can be the Breed Champion and one Reserve Breed Champion in it’s breed.
Out of all the Breed Champions the judge or panel of judges will pick the Category Winners (CW) i.e. Best Hard Feather on Show, Best True Bantam on Show, etc.
Out of all the Category Winners i.e. Best Hard Feather on show, Best True Bantam on Show etc. the judge or panel of judges will pick an overall Best Bird on Show (BOS). This bird will be the “Best of the Best”, the Best in Variety, the Best of Breed for its type and comes closest to be the most perfect overall bird in the showroom.
Age: When one specimen is adult or old and the other young, the adult specimen shall win. When specimens are in the same age group, the one receiving the lesser total cuts for type shall win.
Trios: In a trio, the one containing the highest scoring male shall win.
Weight: Should a tie still exists the specimen nearest the Breed Standard weight shall win, except Cornish Bantams, Beltsville Small White Turkeys and Call Ducks.
In all Cornish Bantams, Beltsville Small White Turkeys and Call Ducks, other points being equal, the smaller specimen win.
Golden Awards: Golden awards may be awarded to the breed champion in single classes, best breeding pen and best team of pullets in the respective breeds.
Silver Awards: Silver awards may be awarded to the reserve breed champion in single classes only. (Breeding pens or team of pullets excluded).
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