The purpose of a Breed Standard is to establish ideals for type, size and colour which are practical and useful, as well as symmetrical and attractive. All breeds, whether bred chiefly for economic purposes or for beauty of colour and form, must be healthy and vigorous and of good productive qualities to insure full propagation, as well as popular acceptance of the breed.
The judge will walk down the line of birds he is going to judge taking in at a glance, the condition of a bird in regards to its type (confirmation), health, cleanliness and brightness of feathers, condition of combs, wattles, head parts, legs and feet, wry tails and the overall size of the bird. He is also looking to be sure there are no “out of class” birds. By this time he knows from an outward glance which birds are right for their breed and which are not.
The judge are now about to judge the first class and invariably hopes that the Category Winner will come from that class. The just must give himself plenty of time to judge the first few classes, he will gain speed as time goes by. He must get stuck with the job and treat it with utmost respect.
The Judge will now assess each bird entered. Each Judge has their own system of doing this, but it should be remembered that all are judging against the Breed Standards for the breed.
The Judge compares each bird entered; the one most closely resembling the Breed Standard is the winner.
The procedure for properly removing a bird from a cage is a three-step operation:
Step 1: Approach the cage slowly, open the door quietly and prepare to remove the bird, head first. Maneuver the bird until it stands with its head to your right or left. Then reach into the coop and across the back of the bird with your right hand (left-handed persons will use their left hand), firmly but gently grasp the most distant wing at the shoulder. Keep the wing folded and close to the bird’s body.
Step 2: Rotate the bird in the cage so that its head is pointing towards you.
Step 3: Slide your free hand, palm upward, underneath the bird’s breast. Simultaneously, grasp the bird’s right leg (just above the hock joint) between the second and third fingers between the birds’ legs. The keel bones should be resting upon the palm of your hand). Remove the bird head first with one hand over the back, and the other under the body, with your fingers around the legs. This prevents the bird from struggling to get away and overly excited. Bring the bird out of the cage head first, keeping its head toward you.
To determine body balance and “set of legs”, some judges like to drop heavy breed birds about 15cm to the floor. A quick recovery means good balance and placement and handling, the bird will present a good appearance to the judge.
Many entries of good merit are never seriously considered by the judge because they have not been trained. Frightened birds tend to stand in a crouched rather than normal position, thus their tail my touch the cage and be carried to one side, the bird may become from confinement, the cage litter may not feel natural and the bird may assume an awkward posture. Birds unaccustomed to handling may struggle when examined. Any of these things will give the judge unfavorable impressions. Therefore, it is recommended that you train your birds to get used to a cage.
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