FAKING: Faking is a deliberate attempt to deceive the judge or a prospective purchaser. Evidence of faking shall be reason to disqualify that bird. All Judges officiating at any show shall cooperate in the enforcement of this provision.
Evidence of any of the following practices shall constitute faking:
Broken or crimped quills in sickle or main tailor saddle feathers, sufficient to indicate an attempt to change the general shape of tail:
Shaft and web giving evidence of part of feather having been cut off: | Disqualify
Web of feather giving evidence of having been singed: | Disqualify
Scar tissue giving evidence of cutting or trimming any part of comb, wattles or ear-lobes of any fowl, except cocks and cockerels in American Game Bantams and Modern and Old English Games, large and bantam: |
Colour of plumage or condition of skin showing evidence of the use of any colouring matter in softening, deepening, intensifying or otherwise changing the natural colour: |
Brittleness of feather or inflamed condition of skin in white varieties showing evidence of bleaching: |
Beak, shanks or toes showing evidence of the use of any colouring matter to change the colour, or the use of any device to remove foreign colour: |
Face or ear-lobes showing evidence of the use of any colouring matter to change the colour, or the use of any device to remove white or red therefrom: |
In breeds where vulture hocks are a disqualification, hocks giving evidence of being plucked of long stiff feathers which form a vulture hock is faking: |

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