To become a judge one needs to develop knowledge of show procedure and other requirements of a judge having already gained the ability to compare birds over the years. Judging not only depends on judging ability even though that is the most important part. Because a prospective judge will be required to pass exams, it is important to prepare, study, read and ask questions. A judge will become part of an elite group of fanciers (from status point of view).
A judge will have to conform to all the rules which are laid down by the Poultry Organization. This requires knowledge of the Show Poultry Handbook, Breed Standards, Show Rules, Show Procedures and complaints at shows.
SPSA constantly appeals to members and encourage members and younger fanciers to become judges.
When you are at last asked to judge don’t go all modest and turn the chance down. The fact that you have been asked is an indication that someone thinks you are capable of doing the job. Grab the chance and have a go. Take your time, work methodically, and you’ll be all right.
SPSA has developed a web driven examination pad www.poultrysa.org.za for aspirant Show Administrators and Judges.
Rules regarding Judges:
Judges who wish to judge at SPSA shows must be members of a recognised poultry organisation and listed as an “ACTIVE” Judge or Apprentice Judge.
Foreign judges who wish to judge in Southern Africa must be members of a judges association in their home country and listed as an “ACTIVE” Judge.
When a new breed or variety or any amendment is accepted by SPSA for inclusion in the Breed Standards, all relevant judges should get them acquainted with the changes.
Unqualified judges in a category will be under the control of the appointed Reviewer at all SPSA Shows.
Active Judges should judge at least once in a three year cycle.
Judging at SPSA Shows:
All judges at any SPSA approved show must be in good standing and should be listed as an active judge.
Judges shall make their awards according to the Breed Standards.
Where no breed standard exists, the exhibitor must follow the SPSA Rules and Regulations to make a standard official before the birds may be shown.
No person shall be allowed to judge his own exhibit or those belonging to a near relative or from an entity or person under his management or control.
The Show Secretary of the show holding Show Committee is not allowed to act as a judge.
Where, owing to unavoidable circumstances, the Show Committee has been disappointed in the services of any duly appointed judge and time does not permit for reference to the SPSA Secretary, such Show Committee may appoint a judge or judges on the Judge’s List qualified to judge the class or classes in question and report the action forthwith to the SPSA Secretary.
Were absolutely necessary, the SPSA Secretary may grant permission in writing to SPSA Judges to judge breeds or classes for which they do not hold a Judge’s Certificate.
The decision of a judge is final and he may not alter his awards after the show cards have been placed on the pens.
A judge will not disqualify any bird entered in a wrong class or category in Open Shows but will amend the judges list accordingly. The Show Secretary will thereafter rectify the show cards.
A judge shall disqualify any bird found to be diseased or in an unhealthy condition and will arrange with the Show Manager for the immediate removal of the bird from the show bench. The Exhibitor is to be notified by the Show Manager of the decision. If the bird was handled by the judge or steward, they should disinfect their hands with a suitable disinfectant provided by the Show Committee before proceeding to judge or handle any other bird.
Whenever a judge disqualifies an exhibit because of a fraudulent practice, he shall record the word "disqualified" and the reason for disqualifying on the judge’s list. The Show Secretary must record the disqualification and reason thereof on the marked show catalogue. The Show Manager must also lodge a complaint with the SPSA Secretary.
All theoretical examinations will consist of multiple choice questions.
The requirement to pass an examination is 50%.
Candidates failing exams may re-apply to write the exam after ninety days of the previous exam date.
The examination on the SPSA MOI, Rules and Regulations is not restricted to aspirant judges only, but can be written by any SPSA member who is in good standing with SPSA.
There is no age restriction and successful candidates will receive a Show Administrators Certificate.
It is expected from all SPSA Directors, Show Managers and Show Secretaries to get them acquainted with the SPSA MOI, Rules and Regulations by writing this examination.
The examination of Apprentice Judges is not restricted to aspirant judges only, but can be written by any SPSA member of fifteen (15) years and older. A certified copy of the candidate’s ID must be included with every application.
The candidate must be the holder of a SPSA Show Administrators Certificate in order to apply for Examination of Apprentice Judges.
During the theoretical examination the knowledge of the candidate regarding judging and poultry in general will be tested. Candidates will be examined on the Poultry Handbook on the website, etc.
The successful candidates will receive an Apprentice Judges Certificate.
It is expected from all SPSA Directors, Show Managers and Show Secretaries to get them acquainted with the JUDGES HANDBOOK by writing this examination.
To judge a breed the judge must have the knowledge to judge them with confidence.
Theoretical Category Examinations
The candidate must be a respectable person and should be a member of SPSA in order to write judges examinations.
The candidate should be at least eighteen years of age. A certified copy of the candidate’s ID must be included with every application.
The candidate must prove that he has a good background and knowledge regarding the showing and or breeding of poultry in general in order to become a competent judge.
The candidate must be the holder of a SPSA Show Administrators Certificate and an Apprentice Judges Certificate in order to apply for any Category Examination.
All examination applications must be done on the official application form of SPSA and must be accompanied by the prescribed examination fee.
The candidate will be notified in writing if permission is granted to enter for the examination.
If permission to enter for an examination is refused for whatever reason, the examination fees will be refunded less an administration fee of 10%.
Participating in any category examination will take place in two categories namely a theoretical and a practical examination.
During the theoretical examination the knowledge of the candidate regarding the relevant category will be tested. The applicant may participate in a maximum of five SPSA examinations during a twelve month period.
Practical Breed Examinations:
Upon passing the theoretical category examination and if the candidate is in position of a Show Administrators and Apprentice Judges Certificate the candidate will be placed in a practical examination ready status.
The practical examination should take place at a SPSA Show within a period of one year after the notice to participate in the practical breed examination has been issued.
The candidate must apply in writing to conduct a practical breed examination on three breeds at a single show and the application must reach the SPSA Secretary thirty days before the SPSA show.
The breeds in which the practical examination is to be done must be fully representative if possible.
The candidate is not allowed to view the completed judges list or show cards before the practical examination.
The practical examination will be conducted by at least two judges appointed from the Judges List of which one should be a qualified judge in the particular category.
The practical examination may commence in the presence of the two appointed judges after judging of the relevant breed has been completed but before the results are placed on the pens.
During the practical examination no bystanders will be permitted except the candidate, examiners, Show manager and Show Secretary.
The practical examination will consist of an oral and a practical section.
The oral examination implies a thorough discussion of the type, colour, size and condition of entries selected by the examiners, without removing them from their pens.
After the oral session the examiners must identify entries of the breeds and the candidate must practically judge them according to the Breed Standards. The results obtained after the allocation of points by the candidate on each entry examined will be evaluated and discussed with the candidate by the examining judges.
The candidate must obtain at least 80% to pass the practical examination. If the candidate fails, he will be allowed to do a re-examination at a next SPSA Show.
Candidates are allowed to do their practical and to be examined on their own exhibitions.
Permission to conduct a practical examination will not be permitted if the theoretical category examination was not passed and the candidate is not in the possession of a Show Administrators and Apprentice Judges Certificate.
Categories of Judge’s Certificates:
Fowl – Hard feather breeds
Fowl – Soft feather breeds
True Bantams
Panel of Judges:
Panel E: An apprentice judge who exhibits regularly and who has a sound knowledge of show poultry and poultry shows. Judges in this panel move automatically to panel D when they have obtained one category certificate.
Panel D: A judge who is qualified in a specific category.
Panel C: A judge who is qualified in a minimum of two categories.
Panel B: A judge who is qualified in a minimum of three categories.
Panel A: A judge who is qualified in all categories. Members of this panel must be experienced judges in the categories in which they are not fully qualified.
Theoretical Youth Show Examinations
All theoretical examinations will consist of multiple choice questions.
The requirement to pass an examination is 50%.
The theoretical examination will count 50% and the practical examination 50% towards the final results.
Candidates failing the exams may re-apply to write the exam after ninety days of the previous exam date.
The theoretical examination of Youth Show Competitors is restricted to competitors in youth show competitions.
Candidates will be examined on the Youth Poultry Handbook and one Poultry Breed on the website.
An examination paper which totals 30 points will be drawn up.
It will be required from candidates to know the contents of the YOUTH POULTRY MANUAL and at least one breed standard.
Candidates should be able regarding the selected breed by the show committee and Youth Poultry Handbook answers the following questions:
Country of origin of the breed
Breed Category
Egg colour
Mass of the breed
General appearance of the breed, in other words, the type of the breed.
Plumage colours
Eye colour,
Colour of beak, comb, ear-lobes and wattles.
Legs and toenails,
The specific disqualifications of the breed apart from the general disqualifications.
Point Allocations
Practical Youth Show Examinations
The candidate must have passed the theoretical examination in order to take part in the practical examination.
During your practical examination the candidate must prepare the bird for the showing.
After preparing the bird Judge the bird by:
Hold the bird correctly,
Look for major faults and disqualifications,
Mention the strong and weak points of the bird,
Has the right attitude towards the judge’s examiner,
Mention the strong and weak points of the bird,
Verbally express his/her opinion to the examiner on every body part of the bird which he/she is examining.
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